Sharing a book

As a parent, you are one of the most important teachers in your child’s life. Your involvement in your child’s education can bridge the gap between home and the preschool. We believe that active parent involvement encourages a sense of community that is at the core of the preschool. However, we recognise that every family comes to the preschool with a different set of circumstances, each with different demands, pressures and constraints.

We invite parents to become as involved as much or as little as your personal circumstances allow at the time.

There are many opportunities for you to be involved with the preschool including:

  • Spending time with your child at preschool – (a great way to see your child interacting with other children)
  • Nominating a few hours as a rostered parent helper – (gives an ample opportunity to chat to teachers about your child’s progress)
  • Participating in special days – (performances, visitors, Father’s Day or Christmas celebrations)
  • Becoming a committee member
  • Contributing your talents or experiences
  • Assisting with minor maintenance of equipment
  • Helping at social events or minor fundraising items


A Parent Management Committee is elected by the parents each year. This committee holds the Provider Approval to operate the kindergarten and is responsible for ensuring that the centre complies with the Law and Regulations. The committee meets each term and lends support to activities within the preschool. It comprises of President, Secretary, Treasurer, 3 and 2 Day Social Committee Co-ordinators and  at least five committee members.

A Social Committee is elected to help organise social events for the preschool. These include play dates in the local park and community garden, community days, nights out, family events and one small fundraising event.